Ritagli di lui, Video-interviste

The talent and courage of a photojournalist: in memory of Andy Rocchelli

Andy Rocchelli was 30 years old when he was killed in 2014 during a mortar attack near Sloviansk, eastern Ukraine. In that same attack on unarmed journalists Willliam Roguelon was wounded and the human rights activist Andrey Mironov (with whom Rocchelli was working to document the plight of civilians trapped in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict) was killed. Andy had already shown the world his photographic talent, his desire and ability to recount though photos the violence of war. His work had been exhibited around the world. He was a speaker – just two weeks before his death – at the 2014 International Journalism Festival in Perugia. We take this opportunity to pay tribute to a great professional and to take stock of the ongoing judicial investigation. William Roguelon will speak about the tragedy for the first time in public, after having given his testimony to the Italian investigating magistrate. Con: Giuseppe Giulietti (president FNSI ), Elisa Signori Rocchelli (mother of Andy Rocchelli), Rino Rocchelli (father of Andy Rocchelli), William Roguelon (photojournalist), William Roguelon

Video da YouTube via International Journalism Festival

Ritagli di lui, Video-interviste

Come raccontare collettivamente una storia attraverso le fotografie

Nel panorama della fotografia italiana e internazionale diversi autori hanno deciso di riunirsi in collettivo per sperimentare forme e linguaggi in grado di raccontare una storia, una tematica sociale, un territorio. Il workshop esplorerà le diverse modalità di produrre, finanziare e veicolare un progetto fotografico a più mani attraverso il lavoro di tre dei più interessanti collettivi fotografici italiani: Cesura, Riverboom e Terraproject.

Video da YouTube via International Journalism Festival